
Take this book if you want to get lost

To say that majority of the "secret" places in this book are awe-inspiring for the rookie and the newbie kind is an understatement because even if you're a non-traveler, I guarantee that you will feel that urge to grab the rucksack and start writing that list of places-you-want-to-visit-before-you-die. You read it right---you can take this book if you want to get lost, and mind-blown at the same time!

I'm giving this collection a rating of 4.5 stars because the authors & editors themselves deserved it. The Sumaguing Cave in Sagada is a worthy inclusion but I just wish they added more historically-relevant but less-known places in the Philippines like the Pandanan Island shipwreck diving site near South Palawan or the Bequibel Midden Shell site in a quaint location in Butuan.

 Bike tree in Vashon Island, Washington, USA

The world's quietest room in Minneapolis, USA

Devil's Marbles in Wauchope, Northern Territory, Australia

All images belonged to their respective owners.

Genre: Non-Fiction, Geography, History
Rating: Magnitude 4.5 

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