
fate obeys what your mind desires

A hardcore Sci Fi reader's library will never be complete without a copy of DHALGREN by Samuel Delany. I've been looking for a copy since January and it was only days ago when I chanced to see a list from iO9 written by Charlie Anders ranting about the 10 Sci Fi Novels You Pretend to Have Read (And Why You Should Actually Read Them). From the list, I only read two (1984 and Dune) while three others are on my TBR pile (Cryptonomicon, Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell, and the Foundation series). The rest, remains on my "most hunted" list. But it wont take long to finally catch one.

Sci Fi experts from across the cyberspace regard this book as the "Ulysses" of Sci Fi, (with its overall narrative structure similar to "Finnegan's Wake") probably as much as Hyperion is considered as the "Canterbury Tales" of Sci Fi. Some would just see this as a secret masterpiece. I haven't been at Book Sale for ages but after my visit today, I got this one for a meager price of 37 Pesos. The cover is completely torn but I don't mind fixing it with a tape.

Sometimes when chance gives you a window of opportunity, you better not waste it as soon as you recognize it within the first five seconds of discovery.

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