
More than just a good laugh

You will never run out of things to learn by just watching an animation feature like this one. Not counting out that it remains one of the best animations produced by Disney and Pixar, this is indeed more than just a good laugh for an audience of all ages, and its noteworthy to reiterate or review the classic lessons we learned as children decades ago as we pass it on to the younger ones.

First, I like the idea that you can always be yourself giving your share of load by not just being part of a swarm. Second, the idea that there is no perfect individual but there exists a perfect team. And it usually begin in a very different and not so obvious setting (friends that usually start as strangers or enemies, and vice versa). Third, the idea that following your dream is just the first step, and even if you encounter a big roadblock, you can always make a detour and carve a new path towards that initial goal. In short, even at the face of defeat, don't give up. Lastly, you can be the light that guides the way so that you can never live in someone else's shadow. How cool is that?


Genre: Animation
Rating: 9 stinging glow urchins out of 10

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